Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 13, 2010 edition

WE NEED INPUT - FROM ALL OF YOU! message or comment with anything and everything you feel other members should know.

THIS JUST IN - several people have reported false returns on care-blocking while tending in m.foopets. the "thirst/hunger could not be satisfied" (or whatever the exact wording is) message will flash, and the bar will remain red, but the food/water registers in the care log. To be safe, we recommend reloading the pet and re-feed or -watering to green the bar. This appears to be the reverse version of the earlier problem with the care logs and ledgers. If anyone encounters this in www.foopet mode, please let us know!

UPDATE - a very positive response has just been received by ValourHaus from ParrotLady : it appears we have an amicable solution. Three cheers - and a big thank you to ParrotLady for handling a potentially explosive issue with dignity, thoughfulness, and tact!
Among our membership we have a contingent of devout Christians, who have (quietly and without shoving their personal beliefs into anyone's face) been sharing a daily devotional message. No one who did not specifically request this message receives it, to the best of our knowledge, and therefore the only way those who have objected to it can possibly have read it is off someone else's personal message board. We have seen it here and there ourselves, and found absolutely nothing objectionable in it - and even if we had, would have availed ourselves of the obvious and simple solution of not reading someone else's mail. Despite all this, some folks with more time than sense have complained to Admin that their rights are being infringed on - we're not sure how, as the Daily Devotional is neither publicly proclaimed nor proseletized - the members involved are not haranguing people or attempting to convert them, but simply sharing a personal devotion with like-minded individuals. Somehow, this exchange between individual members/friends has been construed as a violation of the Terms regarding propaganda, and the member who has brought so much comfort to so many is now threatened with suspension and/or banning. Many of our Christian members are seriously contemplating leaving en masse, and all are justifiably upset that their religious beliefs can be so casually trampled on just because a busybody complained.
We personally are not enamored of the preponderance of Twilight and Bieber adherents, for example, but it never occurred to us to seek to have them shut down simply because we fail to share their enthusiasms. It's a big world, even here on Foopets, with plenty of room for everybody in it, and there will be precious few instances where all are in agreement about anything. So what? As long as people don't insist you agree with them unconditionally, what difference does it make to you what they think or do? In what way do a stranger's personal beliefs affect you? Only a very insecure - and very bored - person A would seek to shut down person B because their communications with their friends did not coincide with person A's worldview.
Censorship is a very dangerous many-edged sword - one which should not be invoked without dire cause. It seems to us that with so many activities - not to mention starving and neglected pets - on-site, those with time on their hands could find more constructive employment than taking issue with messages that were not addressed to them, and were - and are - none of their affair.

The FooLette wheel once more comes but once a day - either the additional opportunities were a glitch/oversight in the first place, or they feel we have been sufficiently conditioned to the regular use of www.foopets now and no longer feel the need for added reinforcement.

DOESN'T CORNER WELL...if you value your sanity, keep your pup from pooing in the corners under the new Happy Mail included in the Play Area - you'll have the devil's own time removing the lawn biscuit if they plant it there.

In this week's FooPetter, an interesting "Pet Care" tip...explaining how you can now pull up info in the Foomart to facilitate your purchase of limited edition collectibles. Still trying to grasp how this pertains to pet care...

We have noticed that a lot of the older pets (link numbers near and below 5000000) are turning up on the Adopt A Pet/Shelter tab for $50, and 150k gems on Fridays. These First Foos are not only very deserving of secure and loving homes, but are at risk of deletion should Foo schedule another "housecleaning" for the Fooshelter. Please, everyone who can - try to rescue and home these venerable pets!

COMING ATTRACTIONS We will be reviewing our Advocated Suggestions soon, as between our involuntary exile and moving them to a clickable icon for space purposes, ALL of them are now losing ground - plus we have some new ones on the drawing board that need feedback before initiating.
We also plan to join ClubFoo, and intend to award our $50 bonus each month to a deserving member-run shelter, and need YOUR help figuring out how best to set up the program.